Tuesday, November 29, 2011

W is for Writing.

Confession - I skipped X. X is a crazy letter. Xylophone is a "normal" X-word. Just look at it again, Xylophone. Really?

Another confession - I enjoyed writing more when my life was crazy.

Yes, it's true. Ever since I got my job, this wonderful project has suffered. True, I had much more time on my hands during my pregnancy/unemployment stint - but I also had much more to write, blog - ok, bitch about. I had pregnancy pains, new baby fears and job loss rants to rant about.

Now, I have a baby. And a job. And a really supportive husband.

And every now and I again, I'll draft a "Rant Post" and then just delete it because I just don't have the rage to wrap it up. I think the wounds of unemployment were deeper than I understood during those painful months and I feel guilty complaining about these insignificant things - like the hardships of going to the grocery store with a seven-month-old.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not twirling around my living room with glee every moment of the day - but by and large, I'm happy. My blog started as a way to document my pregnancy then, proved to be therapeutic during my unemployment and serves as a great way to document everyday and memorable moments with Ingrid. And rather than write about what other "Mom Bloggers" are writing about or come up with dumb things to bitch about - I guess I'll be honest and say (or, write!) that I'm navigating the uncharted waters of being a "new" everything. New Wife. New Employee and best "role" of them all (on some days...) New Mom.

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