Monday, November 28, 2011

V is for Veterans

Keeping it short and sweet tonight and throwing my thanks out to the Veterans. This year I felt like bagels on Veterans day - so I brought in a dozen and half of them for my fellow coworkers. I felt like a huge nerd when I had to correct my boss that they weren't for my birthday - but for Veterans Day - which lead to the conversation about my husband's service in the Army. It's not something I really like to talk about - I don't not like to talk about it - but it's just one of those topics that always almost leads to an unpleasant end to the conversation.

"Oh yeah, he was in Iraq twice and Afghanistan once. Oh, where is your son stationed?" 

And so on.

There's no good "lets wrap this up" moment and due to the current state of everything - there is no clean break. You just kind of walk away feeling yucky and sort of sad. Kind of like this post.

Again, in wanting to keep this short and sweet - I'm sure we all can agree that we're thankful for Veterans every month of the year.

Send a care package, help a spouse, or just send a letter of thanks to someone who served this holiday season.

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