Thursday, January 27, 2011

29 Weeks - Three Oms for Stability

"I have a perverse attraction to not knowing what's going to happen next." Holly Morris

Well, we all can't be a Holly Morris, can we? After everything 2010 threw at me - I am craving stability, for the moment. Since July, I have been slacking in the "movement" department (weird, the same month I got pregnant...). Sure, I've been walking and lifting weights sporadically in a futile attempt to stay in shape and be fit for labor. For some reason (money and energy), I have neglected my long-lost friend yoga.

For months I felt like a yogi (wannabe) with nowhere to lay her mat. Before I started to show, I was still limited with certain postures - back-bends, inversions, twists - and had zero energy to do anything but lay on the couch and zone out to Top Chef reruns. Then, when I started to show, I was hesitant to throw down money for prenatal yoga. Apparently, if you use the terms "prenatal or maternity" you're allowed to double the price of anything. 

Last week I took the plunge and made the "investment" in a yoga package - and it is already so worth it. I was able to focus on the baby (and me) and not think about work, job prospects, day care - basically stop thinking "What am I going to do with my life and this baby..." for a few minutes. I felt in control of my growing body - and floated out of class feeling relaxed and yes, centered. Do you ever get that yoga-buzz? Maybe it's like a runner's high (no clue what that would feel like...) but with mats, Mexican blankets and bolsters.

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