Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hungry, Hungry Prego

Question #1 - How do you feel? Or, do you get morning sickness?
Answer - Great! Or, no. 

Question #2 - When are you due and what are you having? 
Answer - April 1, a big ol' surprise! 

Question #3 - Do you have any weird cravings? Are you really hungry? 
Old answer - I guess grilled cheese and tomato soup, but it's less of a craving and more of a liking toward grilled cheese and tomato soup. No, I'm not really that hungry. 

New answer - Are you going to finish that bagel? 

Last week, as I was happily eating my second breakfast - not second bowl of cereal - second full breakfast - I started thinking about sea creatures. What kind of sea creature I might start to resemble? A whale? Manatee? Perhaps a walrus!  

Here's a little background, right before I found out I was pregnant, I lost about 25 pounds. I distinctly remember how hard it was to lose the weight and - although I'll gladly honor my baby and body and gain the needed weight - I do not want to go overboard and eat "whatever! Because I'm pregnant!"

Also, I don't want to be an asshole and eat junk to predispose the baby to junk. That means, blowing the grocery budget on an obscene amount of fruit (today: strawberries, two apples, two containers of blackberries) and justifying baking a late-night batch of sweet potato fries (and skinny-girl cookies...). 

Normal food-voice: "I could go for a sandwich, in a while." 
Pregnant food-voice: "I thought about a burrito. Let's get a burrito."

I feel like a pregnant food robot. Must. Eat. Now. Anything. Now. 

I've heard that toward "the end" - the baby takes up so much space, the hunger goes away and the uncomfortable I-have-a-baby-foot-on-my-ribs-feeling sets in. So, for now, I'll have seconds and say "whatever, I'm pregnant!"  

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