Tuesday, November 8, 2011

G is for Grandparents.

This Month I'm Thankful for Grandparents.

Yesterday I was flipping through Ingrid's baby book and filling in the new details - when she rolled over, first tooth sighting. They also threw in a few brainteasers - Ingrid's height and weight in her third and fourth month? No idea.

At the end of the book there's a darling, little family tree graphic. Easy! As I started to fill this in, I continued to second guess myself. Wait, my mom is a mom, shouldn't she go.....oh yeah, I'm "the" mom. Wait, my grandpa moved up a "branch" to great-grandpa? Yes, Lindsay, he did, this is your daughter's family tree. Another generation. Oh brother.

It's also odd to think that Ingrid hasn't met a majority of her great grandparents, yet they were - and are - such a critical part of Dan and I's lives. My happiest memories with my grandparents are so vivid and I remember them as some of the happiest points in my childhood - all-day long trips to the movies, giggling with cousins in the basement, multiple summer trips to the zoo, and just playing in their house. The rules were lax, there was a candy drawer (with full size candy bars!) - it's pretty much the closest thing you have to a vacation when you're a kid.

Last month, my mom and Dan's mom visited (separately) to visit Ingrid (and us!). And it was unlike any other visits we've had in the past. Yes, these grandmas are both easy-going - but literally the only thing on my mom's agenda was being within a 6-inch radius of Ingrid. Instead of talking about my problems, my friends or my work - we discussed Ingrid's unmatched sense of humor and intellect (She's so funny! She's sooooo smart! Look, she's sitting up!).

I often complain about the logistical annoyance that is our divorced-parents situation. We split our time and energy. Packing the car is becoming more and more of a challenge. Small, yet just-annoying-to-be-annoying problems.

As we were planning for the holiday season, I was again, dragging my feet, and not wanting to make any concrete decisions. I envisioned us carting Ingrid along to this family, then to the next. Missing out on this family and that gathering.

I started thinking about what her grandparent visits will be when she's older, she'll be spoiled with attention, clothes, food, and kisses. She'll get to visit with cousins and go on new-to-her adventures. The whole "whoa-is-me-holiday-travel-drama" is pretty silly to focus on - she'll have years and years of weekend-getaways and special traditions with our parents. And plenty of candy drawers to raid.

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