Monday, November 29, 2010


21 weeks was a biggie.
  • Dan moved out of his office, built a wall upstairs in the attic and is in the process of moving all of his work/school stuff to make room for the nursery stuff.
  • Thankfully, we have received so many baby essentials from friends and co-workers. This week we also registered for a high chair, stroller, pack 'n' play, clothes and a whole bunch more. 
  • I'm taking a belly dancing class through Milwaukee rec (aka odd-ball instructors teaching random skills in some sort of gym or community center).
  • I finally look tight clothes!  
  • The red bumps on my arms are going away! After multiple visits to my dermatologist, years of exfoliating, purchasing multiple lotions, creams - who knew that the best way to get rid of these annoying little buggers was to get pregnant! I guess this happened to my mom too!
  • We drove up north for Thanksgivings with our families. Dan stayed in LaCrosse to spend time with his Dad's family and work while I drove to Minnesota. We both had an amazing time relaxing with our families and dropping a total of three pounds. I gained two and Dan lost five. Neat.

Baby Atkinson is now the size of a small grapefruit and looks like a miniature newborn. Random - blood is traveling through the umbilical cord at four miles an hour - does anyone else think that's really fast?

1 comment:

  1. 4mph blood...that is about how fast the Lazy River is at Noah's Ark. Lil Red is going on the Kowabunga water ride in 5 months.

    (this is by far the weirdest thing I have ever said)


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