Friday Highlights:
- Wine over lunch with friends turned into champagne over pedicures that turned into "let's just get one more drink."
- After a quick break, my best friend and I reconnected to continue our celebrating. We sorted through Ingrid's old clothes and took breaks to watch amazing videos like this one.
- The night ended with me dancing the night away in a stocking hat because I was too tired from drinking all afternoon to bother with details like "my appearance."
- Started with an overly-ambitious four-mile run. I was reminded Chelsea Handler's books - the one where she talks about those rare energetic mornings after a night of drinking. At some point in the day you say to yourself "How did I end up in this canoe?" Sorry for trying to quote Chelsea - that was painful. But, at one point I looked at Harper, blissfully running on the shores of Lake Michigan, rain hitting her fur, and wondered out loud: "How am I two miles from home?"
- Dressed up as the AppleJax pony from My Little Pony for my friend's daughter's third birthday.
- Celebrated her birthday with multiple cocktails and bacon-maple cookies. It was the best third birthday party ever!
- There's a Dunkin' Donuts on my way home - and it's a drive through!
- Emotionally draining Listen to Your Mother second rehearsal. I continue to cry during these stories. Thank goodness I'm reading third, less of a chance of looking like a giant hot mess.
- Food court treats with the LTYM cast members. Turns out they are even more amazing than there five - seven minute stories. Wow.
- Mad Men. I can't even contain my thoughts on the new season. Peggy - what a bad ass! These reviews were spot-on and thought-provoking last year. I can't wait to read these every Monday.
drive thru and donuts, always a good combo!! :)